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About Rotary Club of Akright City

About Rotary Club of Akright City

RC AKRIGHT is a Premier Club that actively engages in providing services to the less privileged within and outside of the community. Our commitment to extending a helping hand to those in need showcases our dedication to making a positive impact on society.

By organizing regular our regular fellowship every Sunday from 6:00 pm to 7:00 pm, our members discuss, plan, and implement various initiatives aimed at supporting and uplifting the less fortunate individuals in our communities.

The Rotary club of Akright city was mobilized and formed on 23rd May 2021 by the Rotary club of Kajansi under the leadership of change maker President Alex Kamukama, membership Director Rtn Amos Aine, New Club Advisor AG Flavia Natukunda, Club AG Emmanuel Onuoha and the oversight of the District Governor Elect then DG Peace Taremwa (District 9214 Governor 2022/2023).

The club was officially launched by Past District Governor Emmanuel Katongole. In November 2021, the club was granted a provisional status and was later chartered on 12th April 2022. The official Club charter celebration was conducted on 19th June 2022 with the installation of the charter President and presentation of the cub leadership which includes the following:

Charter President: Rtn Joshua Ainabyona
Vice President:                 Rtn Dr. Dan Kajungu
Secretary:                        Rtn Paul Nsubuga
Treasurer:                       Rtn Violet Nyirahabwa
Club Admin: Rtn Lindsay Kinkuhaire
TRF Director: Rtn Sylvia K Ainabyona
Services Director: Rtn Edith Kabesiime
Membership Director: Rtn Charles Kanyesigye and Rtn Pear Habomugisha
Youth Director:  Rtn Allan Kiwumulo
Family of Rotary: Rtn Harriet Twesiime
Public Relations Director:   Rtn Elle Agaba
Seargent At Arms: Rtn Anne Kawoya Nsubuga

The Club Operations

  • The Club belongs to District 9214 and is guided by the mandate and district Leadership
  • The club meets once a week i.e every Sunday from 6:00pm to 7:00pm at the Golf Club in Akright City
  • The current membership of the club is 41 with a target to hit 46 members by June 2023
  • Every member must endeavor to attend the meeting in person as well as participate in club activities
  • The club also has an online zoom option for members who may be held up and are not able to make it physically to the meeting
  • A member can also make up by attending another club meeting else where and give a report to the President
  • The Club has by-laws that guide its operations

 What Drives the Club?

The Cub is driven by Rotary International mission of “Service above Self” providing service to others, promote integrity, and advance world understanding, goodwill, and peace through our fellowship of business, professional, and community leaders.

Vision statement

Together, we see a world where people unite and take action to create lasting change — across the globe, in our communities, and in ourselves.

What do we do?

Through our weekly gatherings, members collaborate on projects and programs designed to address the specific needs of the less privileged, such as immunisation of children against polio in the surrounding communities of Wamala and Kinyarwanda; planting trees under our mission green agenda;  infrastructure improvement on our signature projects to boost education and literacy; mental health campaigns by increasing awareness of the challenges associated with mental illness etc.

By dedicating time and resources to these endeavors, the club exemplifies the spirit of volunteerism and compassion, inspiring others to join in their efforts to create a more inclusive and supportive community for all.

The consistent meetings serve as a platform for members to brainstorm ideas, coordinate activities, and reflect on the impact of their collective actions.

RC AKRIGHT's mission to serve the less privileged through their Premier Club status and weekly meetings underscores our strong commitment to social responsibility and philanthropy. Our dedication to making a difference in the lives of those in need sets a positive example for others and fosters a sense of community and camaraderie among club members.

By coming together on a regular basis, we demonstrate the power of collective action and the transformative impact it can have on individuals and society as a whole.

We join the global network of about 1.4million Rotarians who believe that we have a shared responsibility to take action on the world’s most persistent issues in order to fulfill the following core Rotary International areas of focus:

  • Peacebuilding and Conflict Prevention
  • Basic Education and Literacy
  • Disease Prevention and treatment
  • Provision of clean water, sanitation, and hygiene
  • Maternal and Child Health care
  • Community Economic development
  • Protecting the environment

What Guides our conduct and operations?

The Rotary 4 Way Test

Of the things we think or do

  • Is it the TRUTH
  • Is it FAIR to all concerned
  • Is it BENEFICIAL to all concerned

Roles of the club Members

  • Willingness to provide voluntary service and expect no pay
  • Willingness and ability to pay mandatory payment of dues RI dues USD 135 and 350,000Ugx as club dues. These can be paid in installments. the first half should be paid at least by 30th June and the final payment at least by 31st December of every year 
  • Attendance to club fellowships and other club activities
  • Living by the four-way test
  • Participate in local or international Rotary activities like District Assembly -DCA, Rotary International Conventions
  • Members to aspire to leadership or committee roles within the clubs.

Club achievements since formation

  • Charter status of the club that was celebrated on 19th June 2022
  • Registration of the club as a legal entity
  • Ban account for the club with ability to run financial audited accounts
  • Vibrant and professionally balanced 41 members
  • Planted 1500 trees under the mission green project
  • Distributed relief food items to 60 vulnerable households during 2021 COVID 19 lock down
  • Continuous monthly vaccination at SiSa health facility every last Saturday of the month
  • COVID 19 mass vaccination exercise in Wamala and Akright city with over 1000 beneficiaries
  • Renovated the SISA health facility in order to continuously conduct monthly vaccination and outreach
  • Mobilized and initiated a Rotaract Club of Akright City in formation
  • Contributed USD 10,000 to The Rotary Foundation (TRF) giving  
  • 100% TRF giving club
  • Donated relief food and non-food items to vulnerable mothers in Wamala in December 2022
  • Conducted a medical camp in Sembabule in Feb 2023

Club Plans Moving Forward

  • Membership Growth and retention
  • Growth of services projects
  • Growth of TRF giving
  • Continue and grow the monthly vaccination campaigns
  • Strategic alliances/partnerships
  • Global grant achievement


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